Yearbook Theme Design
Combining a verbal theme with a visual is no easy task. This was the first time I was tasked with helping design a theme, and it ended up winning 2nd in the nation for NSPA Design of the Year for Theme Package.

Social Media Design
This was a graphic I made to promote the candidate forum I planned and moderated. Not only do I make these for our program's Instagram account, I also make a wide variety as a student council member.
Social media is tricky — you can't have too much in your reader's face, but also want to get a message across. It took quite a bit of practice to switch from page layout to graphics especially being self-taught designer.

Yearbook Graphics
The portraits section of a yearbook is a beast. Tackling it is much more complicated than people think, between the massive amounts of content needed and trying to come up with design elements that still show the book's theme. Smaller, non-spread yearbook design is a fun way to show otherwise boring content.